2 Wog Girls Cleaning respects the right to privacy and is committed to safeguarding the privacy of all Australians visiting our website and using 2 Wog Girls Cleaning app. We prescribe to the Privacy Principles of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) under Australian Law. The policy below defines, how we collect and secure your personal information that is used to identify you. We treat the provision of your personal information as your consent allowing us to use your personal information according to this Privacy Policy, the collection, the disclosure, and the use of this information covered by this Policy.
2 Wog Girls Cleaning will gather your personal information directly or indirectly collected from you or other sources in a variety of ways. This may be in person, electronically or when accessing our website and app. Another way we collect your information is through third party surveys and marketing activities. However, we protect all your information from all sources as stipulated in this Privacy Policy.
The information provided to or received by 2 Wog Girls Cleaning may be used by 2 Wog Girls Cleaning to provide information, updating you with new information about the industry, our services, or our organisation. We may also use your information to improve our services and/or for reminding you of the information that may be of your benefit. The communication methods used by 2 Wog Girls Cleaning may included, but not limited to telephone, email, SMS, mail, and or various social media forums.
We may disclose or share your personal and relevant personal information to enable ongoing care and quality improvement. This may include, NDIA and NDIS, accounting procedures, diagnosis & treatments, quality assurance, legal disclosures required by a court of law, research, medical training/teaching and for seeking healthcare and legal advice. The information may be collected through medical tests results, consultation notes, Medicare, or health insurance details, professional or specialist correspondence and/or other relevant sources.
Your personal information may be disclosed to employees, government officers, insurers, and other agents, legal or medical advisers, suppliers and/or contractors of 2 Wog Girls Cleaning in or outside of Australia. It may be disclosed wherever reasonably necessary and deidentified where data analysis is required for the greater good of the community or research. However, the main reason for the release of personal information to 3rd party is to deliver our services.
2 Wog Girls Cleaning, for the purpose of protecting the organisational legal rights including the change of control, sale or transfer of business and its assets, the intellectual property, the copyright, trademarks, property and/or for the purpose of safety, security, and storage of organisational data, may disclose and share your personal information with the 3rd parties in good faith where required.
To ensure the safe storage and access to your information, 2 Wog Girls Cleaning have approved policies and procedures in place for the safeguard your information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification, and disclosure.
Although we take all the necessary measures to secure your information, we cannot guarantee any transfer of information enacted by you, by our employees, contractors and/or any third party and do not provide any assurance that the information collected will not be disclosed in a manner inconsistent to this Privacy Policy.
Your information we hold is your right and you may request access to your personal information according to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). You can request a copy of your information to be released to you by paying an administration fee based on the size of your records. To request a copy of your information and to amend any inaccurate or incorrect information, please make a request in writing or by give us a call to request the release. We may require you to provide a statutory declaration and/or a government approved identification.
2 Wog Girls Cleaning may refuse to provide you with information in conditions protected by the Privacy Act. 8.
Complaints related to this privacy policy or practices can be directed to our office. Your complaints or suggestions are an opportunity for improvement, and we will take all written suggestions and complaints very seriously.
This Privacy Policy is subject to change in the future. Any modification or amendment at any time is discretionary to 2 Wog Girls Cleaning and will be effective immediately upon it release without any notice.
Brisbane's premier 5-star homemaking service, known for delivering outstanding customer service and top quality cleaning that only WOG Girls can offer.
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